DNF...What happened? I thought we had something. *tear*

After reading book 1 for review via Netgalley and feeling pleasantly surprised to enjoy a Christian/Inspirational Historical romance I decided to purchase this book without any obligations attached. I was disappointed.
"An Heiress at Heart" was sweet with a slow build to the romance. I really liked it. Perhaps, I thought, I've been a snob toward Christian romance. "Heiress" didn't preach. I wasn't hammered over the head with the bible. Not all Christians look and sound like a televangelist! : /
The parallels to faith-based teachings was subtle and not unique to Christianity. "Don't throw stones!" Simple.
"A Lady Most Lovely" seemed promising. But I was hit over the head...a lot. The hero chastised himself so many times for cursing. He reminded himself 'good Christians' refrained from foul language. It felt as though the publisher, editor, or whoever told Ms. Delamere that her last book didn't contain enough inspirational messages and here's your new quota.
I felt the attraction between the hero and heroine, but the romance was lacking. After months of neglecting this book and only reading halfway I have decided to close this book.