3.25 – Character Development But Story Needs a Compass
Despite her suspension from the Earthen Conclave, Camille ‘Cam’ Davis is determined to find a missing friend and the killer whose motivation remains a mystery. Without the conclave’s backing she accepts warg Cord Graeson’s offer of help, but his pack’s animosity toward fae makes Cord’s offer debatable, as there’s conflict within the Chandler Pack. Cord is at the center of the rift in the pack. As Cam realizes Cord may be healing the part of her that fractured long ago they both feel the threat from his pack mates. Things are about to get personal!
As the second installment in the Gemini series, Head Above Water doesn’t have the focused storyline that Dead in the Water had. In the first book, the mystery was very strong and the author created a compelling heroine. Head Above Water introduces new characters, new storylines, and reveals the intricacies of warg pack structure that comes attached with a lot of dysfunction. Old characters from two other series make an appearance, which wasn’t too distracting and may feel like a bonus to fans of the Black Dog and Mai Hayashi series.
There is a lot going on in this book and it seemed to lack direction. The best part in this story is the character development. Not only do readers learn more about Cord but they will also see Cam strengthen and evolve. It’s also rewarding to see Cam and Cord’s relationship gain shape…and not via sex! Emotional intimacy and trust are involved, and it was worthwhile! The heroine does have a goal in this story, but the overall book may leave readers wondering where the spotlight should be shining and where the big investment is. Head Above Water does end with a cliffhanger, yet there are interesting developments which may compel readers to continue to the next book, Hell or High Water.
ARC courtesy of author via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review