4.25 stars...Urban Fantasy Filled with Suspense, Action, and Mystery

Fireborn: A Souls of Fire Novel - Keri Arthur
Heartbreak might be our destiny, but it would be a whole lot easier to deal with if only fate would clear out our memory banks at each rebirth. At least it would allowed hope to burn bright. But after all this time, there was little enough of that left.

After each death, the phoenix is reborn and rises from the ashes with the gift to live one-hundred years and fated to find one love of a lifetime, but cursed to always end in heartache. Emberly Pearson, a phoenix, can foresee death. Cheating death usually has consequences, but Emberly gravely defies the grim reaper each opportunity she has. This time, she rescues the man - the love of her current lifetime - who could not accept the Phoenix and what the life entailed. Both walked away feeling betrayed. The murder of her boss brings the two together again, with seething feelings and continued betrayals, onto the trail of an abomination that could affect and infect the human population.

This is my second attempt at Keri Arthur’s work. I once tried her Riley Jensen series, but the promiscuity and my lack of connection to the heroine was a deciding factor in giving up the series. This attempt was very successful!

The plot is filled mystery - Who developed the red capes? Why? It introduces varies factions: werewolves, fae, vampires, and something other. The moments Emberly and Sam (the love of her lifetime) are not chasing villains. and working with or against one another, their moments are heavy with sexual tension. (I didn’t hate Sam, as other readers have. I think there is hope this situation can be redeemed.) Sam has secrets I feel compelled to discover. Their break-up was brutal and hurtful. There has to be more! I want more!

Back to the plot – There’s action, fights, chase scenes, and a doomed love life. Emberly’s tenacious feelings of hope despite her experiences; the odds stacked against her; and the courage she has to fight for life and love makes her a very compelling character. I want Emberly to prevail! I want her to find happiness!

The writing would be considered tight if not for the continuous break-up woes. (It’s like being with a friend who can’t stop talking about the ex. Let it go, girl! I know it’s not going to happen.) The secondary characters, especially Rory’s mate ( it’s complicated ) and the presence of sexy fae keep the fires burning for Emberly. To clarify - Emberly does not feel sorry for herself; she hurts. I hurt for her too! She is brave and strong! I want book 2…now!

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